About Me
I am a retired Information Technologist who was responsible for a staff
of 12 project managers and Web developers. We oversaw at our peak a $46
million annual budget for the development and maintenance of financial
systems and software for a major federal agency. There were 126 distinct
software products that we either developed, enhanced, or maintained. My
former group was recently in large part dedicated to bringing in a new
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) environment under the "New Financial
Environment" project now that Common Off The Shelf (COTS) ERP packages
have caught up with most of our needs and include many of the features
and benefits of our custom applications developed in house.
My former staff's most notable software products are a paperless travel
system released on November 17th, 1999, and a new web based program to
tax banks. We also brought in a new web-centric Portfolio Management
package to manage our $45 billion in financial assets, a paperless
Employee Supplemental Payments System, and developed an automated
payroll auditing process so thorough and effective that it instantly
found a $17 error in a $26,000,000 payroll. Since our payroll is
processed by another agency in a decentralized environment, this ability
to match input to output and identify variances is the strongest audit
and control tool that we use. It permitted us to identify and stop or
retrieve inappropriate disbursements.
The travel management program handles travel approval and expense
reports on line and results in payment in 2 - 3 business days via
Electronic Funds Transfer. It utilizes ENTRUST digital signatures and
PKI, SQL Server, Microsoft Transaction Server, Microsoft Message Queue,
and Outlook/Exchange Server.
In addition, my web associates developed or maintained between 100 - 200
pages of content monthly.
My experience with e-Commerce antedates the web. For example, in the
early 80's, I worked with K-Mart and Service Merchandise to interface
our systems, cutting out paper transactions between us.
Another key task was to convert where feasible to paperless record
keeping. Because the Archivist General requires federal agencies to
retain documents for at least ten years, we were drowning in paper.
Accordingly, countless records were converted to electronic media.
I am at present helping non profits with technology issues.